Age Calculator Online by Date of Birth

Use guide: Click on the Boxes, enter dates and calculate age.

Online Age Calculator

How Age is Calculated

Calculation of Age is very easy. Let me explain it to you with this simple example.

Let's say I was born on November 21, 1988 (21/11/1988 in DD/MM/YYYY format).
Today is 5/01/2023. So, my most recent birthday was on 21/11/2022.
Therefore, 21/11/2022 - 21/11/1988 = 0/0/34.
So, I am more than 34 years old now.
Currently, the date is January 5, 2023.
No of months and days between November  21, 2022 and January 5, 2023 is 1 month and 14 days.
So, my age is now 34 year. 1 month and 14 days.

This is how age is calculated. The calculations are not affected by the time zone of a person since the tool just tells you the difference in time. The age calculator by date is based on the common age system, therefore it can be used by everyone everywhere.

About Age Calculator Online by Date of Birth?

Online Age Calculator by Date of Birth is free tool provided by to easily calculate your age just by simply entering your date of birth on the tool. The tool helps to find out the difference in time between two dates. The result is displayed in the form of years, months, and days.

How to use Age Calculator?

Chech the tutorial for help.

Simply enter the your date of birth and the date at which you want to measure your age. On Smart Phones you have to click on box besides the "Date of Birth" and enter your date of birth, it will be set selected to current date automatically. And besides the "age at the date of" enter the date until which you want to measure your age. In Laptops and PC you can enter the dates either by typing, or selecting the dates by clicking on the calendar icon. After that just click on the Calculate button and that's it.

  • Enter Date of Birth
  • Enter Current Date
  • Click on Calculate button

Use Case of Age Calculator by Date Tool

There's couple of use cases for our Age Calculator by Date tool:

  1. You can efficiently calculate age with just a few clicks.
  2. You can calculate the difference of time between 2 dates.
  3. It helps you to accurately calculate your age instantly during for fill ups of exams like UPSC, NDA, NMK, SSC etc.
  4. It is an online tool, so you can access it from any device at any time.

How is Age Calculated for UPSC, and other exams

In many exams like UPSC, age is needed, but students get confused about the age because of month and date. Here's what you should do.

First find the information bulletin of that exam, and search for the minimum and maximum age for the exam. For example, maximum age for UPSC exam is 32 years. Simply enter your date of birth and calculate age. And see if the no of year is within the minimum and maximum limit as specified in the information bulletin or notification of the exam.

Is there any alternative of Our Age Calculator by Date tool?

Yes, definitely. There are multiple alternatives of our tool. But, our tool has the simplest and easy to use experience among all of them. But, if you want offline alternative, then you can use Microsoft Excel Software for calculating age.

Excel Age Calculator

Excel can help to calculate the age of a person in multiple ways. Check out the detailed guide and formula for age calculator in excel from here.

Common Questions:

Can I use Online Age Calculator on any country?

The calculations are not affected by the time zone of a person since the tool just tells you the difference in time. The age calculator by date is based on the common age system, therefore it can be used by everyone everywhere.

How to Age Calculator?

Simply follow the steps explained above.

Can I also calculate age on a future date?

Yes. you can.

Can I download Age calculator?

Unfortunately you can't download this tool. It's a free tool provided online for easy access. But for offline you can use the Microsoft excel trick mentioned above.

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