Hey, do you know the different ways you can use the RSS feed of your Blogspot?
In this article, I will show you how to configure an RSS feed widget on Blogger, and how you can use the RSS feed of your blog.
Let's get started.
What is an RSS feed
An RSS feed also known as Really Simple Syndication feed is an XML-based format for your content. Whenever you publish new posts in your blog, they will be updated in the RSS feed.
Blogger.com has default RSS feeds for use.
How to use RSS feed
You can use the RSS feed in different ways. You can show content from your Blogspot blog on other blogs and platforms like Amazon Author Central.
You can also configure your RSS widget on your blog to show recent blog posts or comments on your blog. You can also create a custom HTML sitemap for your blog if your blog's RSS feed is enabled.
RSS Feed on Blogger
All Blogger websites or Blogspot blogs have their RSS feeds enabled by default. You can easily access them, by typing the correct URL in your browser.
Make sure your blog is not private.
How to access Blogger RSS Feed
You can use different RSS feeds for different works. For example, you can share all your posts, share comments, share posts by label, or share comments by post.
All you need is the feed URL. You can see the below examples and access the website's feed URL by changing the domain name.
- Share All Content: https://example.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
- Share Recent Comments: https://example.blogspot.com/feeds/comments/default
- Share Posts by Label: https://example.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default/-/[label]
- Share Comments by Posts: https://example.blogspot.com/feeds/postId/comments/default
All these feed URLs are Atom 1.0 version if you want to use RSS 2.0 version, then you have to add ?alt=rss at the end of the URL. Example: https://example.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
How to use Feed Widget in Blogger
To use the Feed Widget in your Blogspot blog, you need to follow these steps.
First Log in to your Blogger dashboard, and go to the Layout section. Click on add a new gadget button. If you scroll down, you will see the Feed widget.
Once you click on Feed, it will ask to configure the feed. Simply, add the feed URL mentioned above depending on what you want to do.
After entering the Feed URL, click on continue. Once your feed URL is verified, you can configure the widget, like setting the maximum number of posts, showing author name, etc.
You can use this feature to show recent posts or recent comments on your blog.
How to disable site Feed
If you don't want to use Feed URLs, and also don't want others to use them, then you can simply disable the Feed URL of your Blogspot blog.
To do that, you need to go to the blog settings and scroll down to the Site Feed option. Click on the Allow blog feed option and select none.
That's it. Your blogs feed is not accessible anymore.
This is all for RSS feed on Blogspot, if you have any questions, feel free to comment.